Revenues, Investment & Financing

Revenues, Investment & Financing Why laser tag? Laser tag is a high throughput, fast ROI fun center attraction with a lower cost of entry than many other fun center options. With only one attendant required and minimal maintenance costs, attraction operating costs are extremely low after your initial investment. Plus, with LaserBlast you get an […]

Construction and Theming

Construction & Theming Stand Out from the Competition Building an exciting arena with eye-catching designs is among the most important factors in the success of any laser tag center. The arena by iteself must be a memorable experience for your guests. The two most frequently chosen options are to buy an arena from a theming […]

Throughput and Repeat Play

Throughput & Repeat Play Maximize Your Revenue The ideal laser tag attraction layout features separate briefing and vesting areas. This allows you to have players watch their briefing video while the current game is still in progress, so the next set of players will be ready to get started right away once the previous players’ […]