Laser tag is an ideal attraction for most fun centers because it is easy to operate, inexpensive to maintain, and has a high throughput that lends well to a great ROI. Though laser tag in very profitable for many fun centers, it is still important to pay attention to the details in order to maximize profits. Could your laser tag attraction use a boost in business? Let’s take a look at some areas you can focus on to augment your laser tag profits.

1. Marketing. Marketing. Marketing.

Making your presence known is a key factor in attracting more customers to your FEC. You need to make sure people not only know about your laser tag attraction, but that they can actually visualize how fun it is.

If you are able to have a marketing coordinator on your staff that is definitely a plus, but if not there is still a lot of easy marketing that can be done to get your information out there – and much of it is completely free!

A fair amount of social media and email marketing can be done for free or at very low costs. You may even have members on your staff that could help with this, as many of them are probably well-versed in social media already. There are also great tools like Canva, a free and easy-to-use editing and graphic design website, and Fiverr which helps link you to Freelancers with very reasonable prices.

If you want to learn more about how to market your FEC, check out 5 Marketing Tips For Your Laser Tag Attraction.

2. Revisit Your Pricing and Game Times

When is the last time you adjusted the price of your laser tag game? If it’s been a while, you may want to consider a nominal increase.

If you have 24 laser tag vests and are running 4 games an hour, an extra $1 per game equates to an extra $96/hour. On a busy Saturday, that can make a big difference! Most guests are not going to notice the minor increase, but it can make a noticeable profit difference for you.

If you are hesitant or feel your market is not ready for an increase, consider premium pricing for peak periods. Maybe you consider keeping the price as is Monday to Thursday, but increasing it by $1-$1.50 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday when you are busier. This option can help to increase revenue while still providing options for more cost conscious guests.

You will also want to consider the length of games you are offering. For maximum throughput and a great guest experience, we recommend selling 15 minute sessions. This breaks down to about 8-10 minutes of actual game time, plus time for briefing and vesting.

If you are currently running longer games, you may consider scaling them back to increase throughput and encourage guests to purchase multiple games. Most guests would not notice this adjustment (especially if you use the progress slider option instead of the timer option) and will still have a great time.

If you have a membership program or dedicated guests that enjoy longer games, you could consider offering longer gameplay during slower periods at a varied price point.

3. Maintain Your Equipment Properly

If one broken vest could lose you $100s over the course of a week, image the damage that a handful of broken vests could do. Maintaining your equipment is essential to the profitability of your laser tag attraction.

It is best practice to inspect and test your equipment regularly to assure no potential issues or damage go missed.

At LaserBlast, we create equipment that is highly durable and backed by a full 30-Month warranty to keep you fully up and running. Our basic maintenance is also easy to perform in-house with spare parts to reduce downtime and our support team is available for emergency assistance 24/7.

4. Consider an Arena Refresh

Think about the last time you updated your laser tag arena. If it’s been years or so long ago you can’t even remember, it may be time for a refresh.

While this may sound like a cumbersome project, some minor adjustments to your arena can reengage guests and create new excitement around your laser tag attraction. One of the easiest ways to refresh your laser tag arena is to add more interactive enhancements.

Interactive laser tag arenas heighten the excitement of the game for guests by helping them to feel fully immersed in the experience. Some options to consider are AI Projector Targets, Trivia Tag, and DMX effects.

Adding even one or two new effects gives you something thrilling to market and can get guests talking to their friends and family about what an enjoyable and unique experience they had. As an added bonus, if you do update your arena you could consider hosting an event or releasing a special offer to promote it.

5. Maximize Your Space

How big is your laser tag attraction? How big should it be? We recommend about 150 square feet per player. This means that around 3,500 to 4,500 square feet is ideal to accommodate 24-30 players, but it is important to consider if that number of players makes sense for your FEC.

On average, you should expect around a 30% utilization rate for your laser tag attraction, with your busier weekend days seeing closer to 35%-55% and your slower week days seeing around 8%-10%. If you are falling below these rates on a regular basis, you may want to consider downsizing your attraction a bit to maximize that extra space.

It might make sense for you to move from 24-30 players with 3,500 to 4,500 square feet being allocated to laser tag to something closer to 16-24 players at 2,500 – 3,500 square feet.

If you feel your attraction is not living up to its potential, you will likely find that downsizing gets you closer to the expected utilization rates and gives you the same profit you were seeing before, but with less space.

The saved space can then be utilized for additional arcade games or maybe even an entirely new attraction. If your location and the surrounding population does not support a massive laser tag arena, it’s important to adjust for what makes the most sense at your FEC.

From simple adjustments like putting some more muscle behind your marketing, to larger scale changes to your arena, there are many ways to get the most out of your laser tag attraction. It’s important to always consider your location and customer base when deciding what options or changes will work best for your FEC.

Need to consult with someone about what makes the most sense for your FEC? We have been in the laser tag business since 1997 and are happy to help! Give us a call anytime at +1 877-338-7889.

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About Us

Why do operators choose our equipment?

  • Innovative Technologies. Vestless and Vested Laser Tag Equipment Compatibility, Wireless Charging, Magnet Easy-Latch System, Rubber Grips and 1000+ Cycle Rated Batteries
  • US-Based Manufacturing. Over 90% of our vests & phaser parts are sourced from Michigan Suppliers.
  • Renowned Durability. Our founders have 20+ years engineering experience. We’ve designed our low-maintenance system with the operator in mind. Our laser tag equipment can take a beating from excited and eager players.
  • The People. Our Project Coordinators, Customer Support, and Service Techs are committed to providing the best laser tag and the best owner’s experience.


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