Premium Wireless Charging

An award-winning charging system for your laser tag attraction.
No contacts, no wires, no hassle. Our wireless charging system won the IAAPA Brass Ring Award in 2011 and has continued to be improved upon ever since.
Wireless charging makes running your laser tag attraction easier than ever. You’ll save the time and headache of having to plug vests in every night, worn-out charging cables, and unexpected dead batteries the next day.
Plus, our charging racks are LED-lit, so they will look great in your vesting room!
Simplify your laser tag attraction LaserBlast wireless charging.

Multiple Charging Indicators
The CyberBlast software reports the status of each battery in an easy-to-read bar right on the home screen. You can also check the charge status with a discrete amber LED on each vest. An end-of-day mode glows the vest green to indicate a full fast charge is in progress.
Auto-Charge Between Games
Top your vests on in between games. Players toss the vests back on the right and they charge while the next set of players are briefed. Industry average utilization is 30%, that’s 70% of your open hours that wireless charging is preventing drain on your batteries!
Extend Your
Battery Life
Our cutting-edge Li-FeP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) batteries combined with wireless charging technology give you more years of service than any other battery technology!
Reduce Your Labor Costs
With Wireless Charging you won’t have to count on your staff to remember and be gentle plugging and unplugging the vests every day (or sometimes multiple times per day).
Keep Packs
In The Game
Dead Packs = Lost Profit. Never worry about losing out on profit again. Wireless Charging laser tag equipment is necessary for today’s Family Entertainment Centers.
No More
Impact Points
Never worry about fragile connectors or impact points that wear down over time. Read more about the advanced technology created to reduce the most frequent problem that affects all other laser tag systems.
See what our clients are saying.
Long-time LaserBlast operator, Jeff Wainwright, of Paradise Park in Novi, MI, sat down with us to talk about various aspects of his system, including wireless charging.
Watch the video or read below to learn more about the realities of wireless charging and what is can do for your laser tag attraction.
“Certainly when we look at the feature content of this system, one of the things our employees like the best is it has a Wireless Charging feature. A wireless charging feature means that basically, from the time we are open to the time we are closed we never have to deal with having to change batteries, charge batteries, or deal with that type from an operational point of view. That gives us huge manpower advantages, huge throughput advantages, and we have virtually no downtime on the equipment.
The other thing that gives an advantage is that the equipment is not being touched technically throughout its normal operational day. And that means we are not dealing with harness failures, mechanical failures, or things like that. It gives us a huge quality advantage. We basically run 100% uptime, all the time, 7 days a week. It puts us in a really good competitive position.
Certainly, the wireless charging looks simple on the surface. But it is technically a very sophisticated system. Basically when we put the vests on the charging racks, or on the standard resting racks they are charged through an RF System that is safe and very functional and it maintains the vest at 100% charge virtually all of the time. The other thing it does is it manages battery power and battery life very well. So that with the new Lithium Ion type technologies and the batteries available now we can have extended life and performance that can’t be attained when we are having to deplete the charge on the batteries. So this gives us another huge operational advantage and puts us in a technically superior position.” – Jeff Wainwright, Paradise Park, Novi, MI
Are you ready to bring wireless charging to your laser tag attraction?
Fill out the form below to get started!