Laser Tag for Bowling Centers

A Timeless Attraction

Bowling Centers are truly special places that can bring a community together. From toddlers to grandparents, students, professionals, families, and out-of-town visitors–everyone can enjoy wholesome fun at the bowling center. Today, as bowling finds itself competing with more indoor activities than ever, more and more, single attraction centers are expanding to offer a wider variety of options to guests. 

Fortunately, bowling remains one of the most popular indoor attraction in America and serves as the ideal anchor attraction for a more diverse offering. When attractions like laser tag are brought into the mix, you can attract a wider audience, increase per capita spending, and boost your revenue!

What Laser Tag Can Bring to Your Bowling Center

It is well known among veteran bowling center owners that laser tag is a great addition to their service offering. It draws a different crowd and brings them into their centers, getting more bodies under the roof. The benefits are pretty clear:

  • Low Operational Costs – Laser tag has a lower cost of entry than most other attractions and there are minimal operational and maintenance fees. 
  • High Throughput – With average experience times around 15 minutes, it is very feasible to run four games an hour. With a 20-30 vest system, 80-120 guests can cycle through your attraction per hour. 
  • Fast ROI – Largely due to the factors mentioned above, many laser tag attractions see a positive ROI in thier first year of business. At LaserBlast, we never charge any recurring fees, allowing you to keep your additional revenue in you pocket. 
  • Attract New Guests –  As more specialized family entertainment venuesare converting into multi-attraction fun centers, guests are going to be seeking out multi-attraction facilities.. Additional attractions are a great way to attraction guests who would not normally visit a traditional bowling center. 
  • More Time & Money Spent Per Guest – Expanding your offerings is a great way to boost per capita spending. As guests have more options available, they will want to try out more attractions. As they spend more time in your center, they will be more likely to spend more on food and beverage.

Finding the Space

Space allocation can be one of the trickiest parts of adding any new attraction to your facility. No matter what type of attraction you go for, you are going to need space for it.

The good news is that this tends to be a little easier for bowling centers than other types of venues because space can be made by taking out a few lanes. For most bowling venues, removing 8-12 lanes would work perfectly for adding a laser tag attraction and arcade (these two attractions pair great together).

If you want a smaller laser tag arena or would not want to add the arcade aspect as well, as few as six lanes could be sufficient. If you have too many lanes and want to reallocate some more space, more lanes can always be replaced for larger arenas, more arcade games, and additional exciting attractions.

If the thought of replacing lanes makes you cringe, but you still love the thought of adding a laser tag attraction, there may be other space options available you. Some areas you may want to consider are:

  • Unused offices or storage space. 
  • Lounge areas that don’t get much traffic.
  • Neighboring spaces that are unoccupised, especially if you are in a mall. 
  • Adding additional space onto your building if possible. 

Expanding the attractions, you offer is a great way to bring in new guests and increase the time and money spent at your facility per guest. Laser tag is an ideal attraction to help you get started converting your bowling center to a multi-attraction venue. Here are a couple of our operators that have successfully added a laser tag attraction to their bowling venue. 

Trying to determine if a laser tag attraction is right for your bowling center? Want to add a laser tag attraction too your venue but aren’t sure where to start? We are happy to help and answer any questions you may have.  Fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you with more information. 

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